Exact time clock for Volgograd:


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Shown digital clock is current time for "Europe/Volgograd" time zone. This clock is synchronised with our dedicated server time.

Navigation: Clock.Zone / Europe / Russia / Volgograd

Europe/Volgograd Clock

In moment when this page was generated, in Europe/Volgograd timezone it was Tuesday, 14 January 2020 (11:14 PM). Abbreviation for this time zone is +04. Difference to Greenwich mean time is 14400 seconds = GMT+4.

Daylight Saving Time (DST)

Latest DST changes:
The timezone Europe/Volgograd switched to standard time on Sunday, 28 October 2018 (2:00 AM). New GMT offset GMT+4 hour(s) (+04). The time was set +1h.

Next DST changes:
The timezone Europe/Volgograd switches to standard time on Tuesday, 19 January 2038 (7:14 AM). New GMT offset will be GMT+4 hour(s) (+04). Clocks will be set 0h.

Position of Europe/Volgograd on world time zone map:

More clocks or widgets for Europe/Volgograd time zone

On clock.zone, you can find widgets and other clocks too. If you want to see clocks that display time in Volgograd (and not visitor's local time), copy-paste this time zone in field on those pages:

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Notice: This map doesn't contain information about Daylight Saving Time (DST), it's just approximately position of Volgograd on world map.